REPORT ONLY - Career Analysis
Personal Analysis Presentation prepared by me - no consultation included.
Service Description
You have a unique career design with specific gifts, talents and attributes to share. Endless possibilities for individual expression exist when you utilise a clear strategy that aligns to your unique life’s work and purpose. This bespoke Introductory Career Analysis answers these questions: (1) How you best express yourself in the world (2) How you best interact with others (3) How you make the correct decisions for you (4) What important signposts keep you on track (5) How you optimally process and assimilate information, and (6) Pitfalls and Wisdom for your specific design Mandatory requirements: Your date, time and place of birth must be sent to Amanda at least 72 hours before report will be sent. Each presentation is individually crafted, and this takes many hours to prepare. Please note: As this analysis is being supplied by an accredited BG5 Career Analyst with the BG5 Business Institute, this presentation may be tax deductible. Please consult your own tax adviser however as we cannot provide individual tax advice. PLEASE DON'T WORRY ABOUT THE BOOKING IN THE DIARY - I will be sending you the report within 72 hours of receiving your details. I look forward to preparing this for you! Kind regards Amanda
Contact Details
NSW, Australia